Search engine optimisation remains as important today as it was when it was first introduced. The sheer volume of content on the internet and competition for keywords means you need to focus on a narrow set of ideal search terms and phrases if you want to succeed. Here are a few tips on how to identify the best keywords for your next SEO campaign.
Use The Right SEO Tools
The best keywords for your next SEO campaign are not the search terms everyone else in your industry is using. The best keywords will be those that achieve specific objectives.
Perhaps you need to use the right software to find the key search terms bringing new customers to your site versus visitors who look around and leave. Or, you need data mining to find key search terms that are related to customer segments you didn’t know could be catered to.
You should have the search patterns by your customers analysed so you can determine the difference between what high-value customers look for versus the average customer; then you can create content of value to the customers of greatest value to your business, whether they spend the most money or literally keep coming back for more.
Know The Competition But Stand Out
Know the key search terms and phrases your rivals are using and decide whether or not you should compete on those terms or for the related search terms you could outrank them on.
Search volume in and of itself isn’t the biggest determinant of whether you should use a term or phrase for your SEO campaign. Instead, determine what the likely number of completed transactions would be from those key search terms.
There may be relatively few people searching for an error message related to your product, but there is a good chance they’ll pay for repair services or buy a replacement item. Not many people search directly for a part number and model number, but those who do are looking for information on that product, whether to buy it or fix it. If you’re having trouble determining which keywords have the best return on investment, the most paying customers relative to their cost, and the ease with which you can dominate the search results, hire a professional SEO agency. Then you’ll only invest time and money into an SEO campaign with nearly guaranteed returns.
Take Advantage Of Conversational SEO
An area too many businesses ignore is conversational search engine optimisation. If you’re already ranking well for key search terms, consider an SEO campaign that integrates those key search terms into the full questions customers are asking their information appliances or that the artificial intelligence behind the search engines thinks customers are asking? New content that specifically lists those questions and then answers them will rank high in searches.
Are Keywords Still Relevant For SEO?
Keyword research remains a focal point in SEO and is central to any SEO strategy, even if the importance of keywords has been somewhat devalued over the past few years. Fueled by Google's growing natural language understanding, some argue keywords are less crucial. Google can now grasp similar terms in searches, meaning minor wording variations in your content targeting a specific phrase aren't as critical. The focus, they say, should be on concepts Google interprets, not the exact wording used. While there's truth to this, keywords remain a vital SEO element.
Make sure you follow the tips in this article if you want to build your seo campaign on a solid foundation. For in-depth advice on conducting thorough keyword research, contact us today.