1st of October 2014 by Alex Mungo
link chains linking vector icon

Backlinks create “link juice” which is still considered one of the strongest ranking signals we can give search engines about the importance of our content and site. With Google’s war on spam links and key messages taken from various conferences I've attended let's take a look at what the difference between link building and content marketing is.

  • Link building and content marketing are different from each other fundamentally
  • Links are still the central part of Google’s search algorithm
  • Content marketing is not easy to do in the right way
  • Link building can boost your Content Marketing efforts
  • You can build links even if you don’t have great content

Link Building And Content Marketing Are Different From Each Other Fundamentally

It is widely believed that content marketing is considered to be another way of link building and have titled it as “link earning” or “link acquisition”. However, the truth is that content marketing is neither link building nor even SEO. There is no surety that your content will be visible in search or in fact creating more content will guarantee your site becoming more visible in search. Both content marketing and link building are different from each other.

Content marketing is about creating powerful and valuable content that is worth sharing, and link buidling is about creating search visibility.

Links Are Still The Central Part Of Google’s Search Algorithm

Links are extremely powerful but we all are aware of Google’s clampdown on link building activities. We need to make sure that our link building strategies are effective, safe and for the long term.  This clampdown has led most of the SEO professionals to search for new ways to create powerful and safe links. This has led several people toward content marketing, with links as a primary concern.

Content Marketing Is Not Easy To Do In The Right Way

Your primary goal when creating great content should be to provide valuable content that is engaging with your target audience. Sounds easy, but it’s not. Content marketing is difficult to do in the right way.

Valuable content creation requires:

  • Industry experts
  • Editors
  • Designers
  • Writers
  • Technical staff

Content marketing needs the support of people with diverse skills. Without any investment to ensure that the content remains valuable, unique and engaging, you are simply wasting your time, money and other resources. Thinking that a single person can create valuable and engaging content is wrong, he/she will most likely create a draft which is not at all beneficial.

Link Building Can Boost Your Content Marketing Efforts

Creating valuable content is not enough, you still have to market it. SEO can help to increase the visibility of the content.


Below are advanced link building strategies:

  • Use digital PR as part of your link building strategy
  • Brand name and homepage url promotion
  • Social media sharing of informative relevant articles
  • Participate in on-topic question and answer websites

If you are investing in content, then it is important to invest in visibility also. Without intelligent content marketing you are leaving the precious opportunities on the table. Following advanced link building strategies can boost your content marketing efforts.

You Can Build Links Even If You Don’t Have Great Content

Content marketing is not necessarily needed to build links. Yes it is true that both content marketing and link building can do wonders or act as a flywheel but content marketing doesn’t make sense for all. There is no single size that fits all internet marketing solutions.


You can build the links using:     


Appropriate and effective link building has always been an innovative and powerful attempt at demanding added value. Content, therefore is not the only method of adding value to the internet.

Alex Mungo Founder Of Go Mungo SEO
Alex Mungo

Founder of Go Mungo SEO Alex has a passion for SEO, enjoying sharing his knowledge and experience through his writing.

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