Raffya - Unique clothing crafted with love. Travel-inspired prints & textures meet artisan techniques.
Go Mungo SEO

Fashion Company SEO Case Study


magnifier image3K+ MONTHLY SEARCHES
Go Mungo Seo

Organic traffic in 6 months

The client

Fashion - Raffya

The brief

Go Mungo SEO started running the SEO campaign to help position the website at the top of the search results pages to increase traffic for mainly branded searches on the landing page.

The campaign

Start date: March 2023 – August 2023

Starting with a full technical audit, Go Mungo SEO started work on improving the design of the website based on the client’s specification.

With a clearer design that the client was happy with, our team began working on a targeted content marketing campaign. Keeping it in-line with this we started an offsite strategy to boost the domain authority.

The results

Measuring the performance of the campaign in 3 monthly increments, organic search traffic increased by 300% in the first three months. This rose to 200% at the six-month mark.