Union Artists is a UK based music management company.
union artists logo

Music Management Company


magnifier image2.5K+ MONTHLY SEARCHES
union artists estimated organic traffic graph

Organic traffic

The client

Union Artists is a UK based music management company representing bands, artists and dj's.

The brief

We were asked to help increase the ranking of the website mainly for branded searches as the name itself is quite competitive.

The campaign

Start date: January 2016 – June 2017
Starting with a full onsite technical audit and working on optimising the website for the search engines we also updated the content across the entire site to help the search engines better understand what the site it about. We also looked at any link opportunities that existed.

The results

Within the first month we achieved top position in the search results pages for all branded type searches and other related keywords. Organic search traffic has grown steadily year on year by 25%.