As a leading SEO agency our content marketing services form the bedrock of all our SEO campaigns, offering you the best opportunity to engage with customers and better utilise strategic partners.

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We create flagship content that is a critical part of any content marketing strategy. This could be a whitepaper highlighting your professional expertise, a podcast, a blog post, or slideshow.

Any type of media will work, but it must be high-quality and on-brand.

Why is flagship content so important?

It anchors your brand. This is the article, infographic, explainer video or in-depth blog post that draws customers in. Size isn’t necessarily what defines flagship content; nor is shock value.

What is important is that your flagship content offers real value. Boring fluff and generic content won’t work. Don’t rehash something already out there. Go into more detail, add a unique viewpoint, or come up with something new that your audience might not be aware of.

Remember, the very best flagship content drives SEO and boosts customer engagement.

Flagship content speaks for itself. Blogs and other strategic partners will want to publish well-written, engaging content. It helps boost their brand and provides real value to their readers.

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Creating something “above and beyond” for your potential customers makes them trust your brand and builds their engagement with you as a company. It is a way for you to demonstrate your expertise, offer help and guide your potential customers towards your products and services.

Brands use content to engage with their customers. Great content drives customers to the brand’s website and keeps them there. Publishing high-quality content on topics the reader cares about ensures they will return.

Focus on creating content on topics your customers care about. How-to guides and other useful content help to establish your expertise in a niche. They also increase trust in your brand.

Customers are more likely to bookmark pages if they serve a useful purpose.

Useful content is also shareable. Post flagship content on your blog and then share it via your social media channels. The right pieces will soon gain momentum, which spreads brand awareness far and wide.

Always include a call to action in your content. Ask a question or encourage customers to try your products and services.

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Top-quality content is the key to successfully earning links. Long-form, keyword-rich content is best.

We will use this content on site as a traffic source like a landing page, we can use it to increase our email newsletter and social media conversion rates and, most importantly, we can use it to create links.

The right content is a powerful SEO tool. As well as boosting your brand, content can be used to build links. We can post content on your website and then share it with customers via an email marketing list and social media channels.

Sharing useful, informative content via multiple channels means viewers are more likely to click back to the landing page or share it with their friends. Flagship content can boost website conversion rates and generate more organic backlinks because people will naturally want to link back to it.

Building links helps to boost a website’s position in the search engine rankings. Search engines like Google look at link profiles. Organic links built naturally are best, which is why effective content is so important.

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We have a comprehensive network of strategic partners. We take flagship content and offer it to selected partners we deem a good fit for your content. These partners then publish branded content containing your link on their website or in other marketing materials.

Branded guest content must be on-topic and a good fit for the host website. Links must be natural and not intrusive. They can either appear in the body of the piece or in a resource box.

We use quality content as a key part of our guest post outreach work. Our strategic partners are not interested in poor quality. They want content that resonates with their readers and is suitable for their niche. We always run some ideas past them first before pitching a guest post which helps to engage with them before going to the trouble of writing the post.

By focusing on producing longer content, preferably 1000+ words we have found that it attracts more love from the search engines. This in turn helps to lay the groundwork for future guest posting opportunities with our strategic partner friends.

Very often, blogs and other partners will want to publish our content for free because it’s such high quality! We can ask them to link to it from their resources pages and from within their content. However, if the flagship content is the best thing ever written on a topic people WANT to cover, it will start to earn links anyway.

Contact us today to find out how our content marketing services provide the best opportunity to  engage with your customers, and better utilise strategic partners.